Today was a strange day.
February 14th 2018. Valentines day. A day where people all around share with those they love the three reassuring words - "I Love You."
It is also the day 17 people were killed in another mass shooting at a school in America. Three powerful words - "Evil is Real."
It is also Ash Wednesday. A day where we in the church begin to prepare and look forward to our celebration of the greatest event in history, Easter.
Over the next 6 weeks, we as a church will spend much time considering the weight of evil. Not only because it is important for us from a spiritual perspective, but because it is fresh in the minds of America given this tragedy. But the weight of evil, while it seems overwhelming today, needs to be kept in right perspective. It has been overcome.
The His death and resurrection, Jesus has overcome evil and this we will celebrate. The defeat of evil is a present reality. But, we are living in a season of history where what has been defeated is gasping it's final breaths. So through lent, we will remember that we are mortal beings. We will remember that kids suffered. We will pray for the hurting. We will seek to comfort those in pain. We will remember the power of sin and it's effects.
We will also hold to the reality that the "I Love You" poured out by Jesus on the cross gives us hope and promise in spite of the present "evil is real."