God saves us, calls us, and equips us in order to make a difference in the world.
This may be through the serving in your local church or in ministry in the community.
Ask about how you can get involved.
Remember, you were made for this!
We Love Our Church!
Membership is a commitment to serve.
There are a variety of places for someone to get involved and Sunday Mornings are the absolutely the best place to start living out your faith - as part of a team.
From working with kids, to making coffee; from greeting attendees to using your technology skills, there are a multitude of places in the life of the church before, during, and after weekly worship services each week for you to utilize your abilities and talents in the life of the church.
During the week there are just as many, if not more, places for disciples to get involved in what God is doing in our church. Helping with the youth ministry, taking care of grounds and facilities, or helping administrative office tasks are just a few, but there are many, many more.
If you are ready to serve, God has a place for you here
at Your Rock Hall Church.

We Love Rock Hall!
That's not just a slogan or a tag line, we really do. Many of our members were born and raised in our community and many others chose to retire here because our "small town feel" is not a feeling, it's real.
So how is God moving you to use your gifts and talents in the community?
Do you have a heart for those who are going through difficulty? We have ministries that address the needs of the hungry, the financially stressed. We have a team who ministers to our homebound members and neighbors as well.
Are you geared to being "hands on"? We have a group of folks who regularly work with REBUILDING TOGETHER KENT COUNTY, and we maintain Wesley Cemetery serving the people in our entire region.
Are kids are your passion? We have a group of tutors and mentors serving in our community elementary school. We also have a weekly after school kids ministry, a weekend food program, a community based youth ministry with all kinds of activities.
How has God shaped you for ministry?