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Writer's picturePastor Gary

November 22nd Worship Program

Updated: Jul 23, 2021

Thank you for joining us for worship this week. I pray that you time in worship today brings you closer to Jesus and makes you more aware of his love for you.

Here are this week's announcements


Today is Christ the King Sunday. Next week we begin Advent, but today is the end of the church calendar year. Everything we have done as a church has led us to this point.

Pause a moment and reflect on All God has done in your life this year in the midst of and in spirt of all the world has put before us.

Spend a moment in prayer thanking God for all He has done.

Order of Worship


Opening Prayer

Opening Worship

Stewardship Moment

Pastoral Prayer


Closing Worship


Today's message is from Genesis 16 as we continue our message series, THE PROMISE.

Use the following message notes to help you follow along with the message:

Genesis #14: The Promise - Isn't in Egypt

Genesis 16:1–16 Patience Test Sarai: When waiting brings frustration Genesis 16:1–5 NIV Genesis 3:6 NIV Faithless waiting brings frustration The Patience Test: Am I willing to Wait? Am I pursuing God’s glory or my own? Am I obeying God’s word? Am I experiencing joy and peace as a result? James 3:16–18 NIV Faithful waiting brings obedience Hagar: When waiting seems cruel Genesis 16:6–16 NIV Faithless waiting seems cruel Faithful waiting leads to growth Where is your Egypt? Run to Jesus when you can’t see God at work.

Questions for personal study and growth:

1. Over and over again, Genesis has shown us examples of how things unravel when people become tired of following God’s plan and start doing their own thing. At times, we all are tempted to do the same thing, especially when God’s plan isn’t working out the way we had hoped or expected it to. How does James 4:13-17 highlight the danger of letting our own plan for our life supersede God’s?

What do the following verses tell us about how to place God at the forefront of any plans we have?

Proverbs 3:5-6

Proverbs 16:3

Matthew 6:31-33

2. Sometimes the issue isn’t that we’re avoiding what God wants us to do, it’s not knowing what God’s will is. How can the following Scriptures give direction when God’s will isn’t clear to us?

Colossians 3:17

1 Corinthians 10:23-24, 32-33

1 Peter 4:10-11

3. Patience can be difficult in that we often don’t want to invest the time or energy it takes to become patient. Part of learning this key spiritual skill is enduring frustrations and hardships. What encouragement can be taken from the following verses in terms of being patient and enduring hardships?

Romans 5:3-5

James 1:2-4, 12

How have you seen this progression played out in your life or in the life of someone you know?



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