Week 4: Needing workers
One of the major hindrances to growing as a new church is the lack of workers. As the church launches new ministries to reach new people in the mission field, an adequate number of passionate workers need to be in place.
24. Pray for more youth and children workers
“But Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.’” Matt 19:14
A recent survey by the International Bible Society found that 83% of all Christians make their commitment to Jesus between the ages of 4 and 14. The Barna Research Group surveys demonstrate that American children ages 5 to 13 have a 32% probability of accepting Christ, but youth or teens aged 14 to 18 have only a 4% probability of doing so.7
• Pray that more members will be inspired to work with youth and children.
• Pray that people with a passion for working with the youth would come to the church
• Pray that people with a passion for young children will volunteer to work
• Pray for these workers to share their love for Christ with the children and youth