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  • Writer's picturePastor Gary

June 27th Worship Program

Thank you for joining us for worship this weekend.

Today, we continue our message series titled THE LIFE. We are working our way through the book of Genesis, and today we are confronted with a question in the text;

"How big is our God?"

Today we will see what Jacob's fears and the expectations of Joseph's brothers say their faith in and understanding of God and God's grace. We will close with a reminder of how great our God, His promise, and provision for us truly are.

I pray that your participation in today's worship helps you move closer to Jesus and reveals more of his plan for your life.

8:30 am

Live @Raum Chapel

9:30 am

Live @Wesley Chapel

Live on our Worship Line: (443) 252-2878

11:00 am

Live @Rock Hall Church



This week's announcements:


Today's Order of Worship


Morning Prayer

Opening Songs

Pastoral Prayer


Closing Worship


Songs for worship:


#2039 “HOLY, HOLY”





God So Loved

The Way

How Great is Our God


Message Notes:

Genesis #39: The Life - Faith and Fear

​Jacob's ____________

Genesis 43:1–10

The Brother’s ____________

Genesis 43:11–25

A Graceful ____________

Genesis 43:26–34

No ____________ Christians

Love Doesn’t ______ ______ All Fear

1 John 4:18 Psalm 128:1

Faith ____________ Fear

Galatians 5:1

Don’t Look to ____________ — Lean In

Hebrews 12:1 Matthew 10:19–20 Philippians 4:19


This week's prayer focus:

  • Sunday - Our Mission: God, give us a deep passion for the work of Christ. Luke 4:18-19

  • Monday - Our Church: God, develop spiritual growth & maturity in Your church. Hebrews 5:12-14

  • Tuesday - Our Leadership: God, help our pastor proclaim Your Word boldly. 2 Timothy 4:2

  • Wednesday - Families: God, help couples be faithful to the marriage promises they made to You and to each other. Hebrews 13:4

  • Thursday - Our Community: God, we thank you for those who serve in our community. 1 John 3:16

  • Friday - Children/Youth: God, help our young people commit themselves to a life of purity of mind and body. Psalm 119:9-11

  • Saturday - Adults: God, help our adults find and fulfill Your purpose for their lives. Jeremiah 29:11-14

Merger Prayer Focus: Transition

  1. Pray for our merger team to communicate clearly with people who have sincere questions. 1 Peter 1:22

  2. Pray for those who fear what might be lost, to find peace through faith in Christ. Psalm 34:8

  3. Pray for excitement as we begin to consider new opportunities for ministry. Acts 8:5-8

  4. Pray that our membership becomes bound to our mission rather than our buildings. Matthew 28:19-20

  5. Pray for the process of discerning what spaces our ministries require. Philippians 1:9-10

  6. Pray for an eagerness in our churches come together as one. Colossians 3:14


Take it Home:

We talk about embracing a "new normal" when life gets difficult. When life is good, being content isn’t all that difficult. But when our circumstances are tough, it’s another story. What resources do you find in the following passages that can help you cope with, handle or even grow through a hard season in life?

John 14:25-27

Philippians 4:6-7

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

The Bible gives us windows into the lives of many people who experienced great pain, hardship or loss. Read the following Scriptures and take a look at how each person responded to their situation. Pay attention to what they learned or taught as a result of their trials and jot down any observations.

Paul: 2 Corinthians 11:16-33

David: Psalm 27:1-14

Peter: 1 Peter 4:12-19

How is Paul’s perspective in 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 contrary to how most of us would normally think when facing physical or emotional challenges?

Understanding who God is and how he is personally engaged in our lives is important when learning to embrace the pain and grief that comes with a "new normal". Use Psalm 33:12-22 as a prayer guide to help you thank God for who he is, how he cares for you, and how he gives hope to all of us who commit our lives to him.


Bible Reading Plan:

Join us for our 5x5x5 New Testament Reading Plan. 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week, & 5 questions to go deeper.


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