Thank you for joining us for worship this week. We are concluding our series THE PROMISE today as we continue to work through the book of Genesis. This week we close a very important chapter in the story of Abraham, so grab your Bible and join us in Genesis 23!
We pray that your participation in today's worship moves you closer to Jesus and makes you more aware of his plan for your life.
Worship Schedule:
9:30 am
Live at Wesley Chapel
Live on our Worship Line: (443) 252-2878
11:00 am
Live in person @Rock Hall Church
Live online @
Here are this week's announcements
Click here for our Charge Calendar
Order of Worship
Morning Prayer
Opening Songs
Stewardship Moment
Pastoral Prayer
Closing Worship
Songs for worship:
“Morning Has Broken"
“How Great Thou Art”
“He Leadeth Me; O Blessed Thought"
“Great Is Thy Faithfulness”
Message Notes
Genesis #21: The Promise - Finishing Well
Abraham; Sarah; Death and Dying; Love; Faithfulness; Marriage; Future; Mourning
Genesis 23:1–24:9 NIV
The faithful FINISH what they started
Finishing what they started. Genesis 23:1-2
Genesis 12:1–4 NIV
God’s calling was most important.
Somethings you must finish alone. Genesis 23:3-20
Finishing well includes preparing for WHAT’S NEXT .
Future generations decide how we finished. Genesis 24:1-9
Hebrews 11:13–16 NIV
Good finishes are all about being faithful.
Isaiah 51:1–2 NIV
Will I be ____
Will I do ____
Take it home:
Finishing well, none of us want to be remembered as being all about our possessions or titles. That's why the enemy works subtly, yet powerfully, to blind us to the benefits and simplicity of generosity and serving others. What motivations and/or strategies do the following verses give to encourage us to be generous and serve others?
2 Corinthians 9:6-8
Galatians 6:9-10
Matthew 25:31-36, 41-46
- Which of these verses catches your attention the most and why?
The legacy we leave with those closest to us, whether it’s our spouse, family member, or close friend, thrives or dies based on how we treat them. Here are some verses that speak to how we treat one another. If married, jot down how they apply specifically to your marriage. If single, jot down how they apply to the relationships that are most important to you. (Note: each passage has multiple principles.)
Romans 12:10-13
Colossians 3:12-14
Ephesians 4:25-26
Looking forward to the day those around you celebrate your life at your memorial, what one or two things do you hope those closest say is part of your legacy?
- Is there anything you need to do differently now to help make that happen?
It’s never easy to experience the loss of a person we are close to. We see this also to be true for Abraham as he wept over the loss of Sarah in Genesis 23:2. Part of the hope we have in the midst of the pain when someone passes is that we can celebrate their life and the legacy they have left. Yet mourning their loss should not be ignored or suppressed – in fact it’s healthy. James Boice said, “To weep for a loved one is to show that we have been close, that the loss is keenly felt, and that death is an enemy.” How does Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 reinforce the importance of allowing ourselves to mourn?
- Thinking back on the loss of someone close to you, can you think of how mourning their loss was helpful and/or challenging to you?
This week's prayer focus:
Sunday - Our Mission: God, increase the desire of believers to fulfill the Great Commission. Matthew 28:19-20
Monday - Our Church: God, direct our vision for the Future. Proverbs 19:21
Tuesday - Our Leadership: God, help our ministers and volunteers persevere in Your work. 1 Corinthians 15:58
Wednesday - Families: God, help our families be committed to the Lord and His Work. Joshua 24:15
Thursday - Our Community: God, bring salvation to the lost. Luke 19:10
Friday - Children/Youth: God, help our young people set an example of godliness for others. 1 Timothy 4:12
Saturday - Adults: God, give our adults discernment to not be deceived by the world and Satan.1 Peter 5:8
Merger Prayer Focus for the week: Transformation of our community
Pray that our community would be transformed. Luke 4:18
Pray we could grow as missionaries and evangelists. 2 Timothy 4:5
Pray for enthusiasm in worship. Psalm 100:1-2
Pray for enthusiasm in hospitality. Hebrews 13:2
Pray for generosity in our giving. 2 Corinthians 9:11
Pray for involvement in risk-taking mission and service. James 1:22
Pray for an openness to try new things. Isaiah 43:19
Bible Reading Plan:
Join us for our 5x5x5 New Testament Reading Plan. 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week, & 5 questions to go deeper.