Message Notes

This week we continue our study of the Gospel of Luke. Today we
If you have any prayer requests or questions, please us the link in this worship program or the pew cards available in the seat backs in front of you.
8:30 am
Live @Raum Chapel UMC
9:30 am
Live @Wesley Chapel UMC
11:00 am
Live @Rock Hall Church
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This week's announcements:

Today's Order of Worship
Morning Prayer
Opening Songs
Pastoral Prayer
Closing Worship
Songs for Worship
Honor and Praise
O How I Love Jesus
He Touched Me
Trading My Sorrows
How Great is Our God
Nobody Loves Me Like You
Sermon Notes:
Luke #12: Different in a Good Way
Luke 5:27-39
The making of an unlikely follower
Luke 5:27–29
Disciples posses the commitment to follow now
Matt 21:28-32
Disciples posses the courage to leave some things behind
Luke 9:23
Disciples posses the conviction to bring others with them
Jesus taught to party on purpose
Luke 5:30–32
Jesus surrounded himself with people who were sick and knew it
Romans 5:8 NIV
1 Timothy 1:15–16 NIV
The religious didn’t want to be with Jesus because he knew they were sick but they couldn’t admit it.
The reason to fast
Luke 5:33–35
The key to becoming a follower
Luke 5:36–39
This is good news for those who long for new life.
2 Corinthians 5:17–20
1 Corinthians 6:9–11
Get Used to Different
This week's prayer focus:
Sunday - Our Mission: God, give us a deep passion for the work of Christ. Luke 4:18-19
Monday - Our Church: God, develop spiritual growth & maturity in Your church. Hebrews 5:12-14
Tuesday - Our Leadership: God, help our pastor proclaim Your Word boldly. 2 Timothy 4:2
Wednesday - Families: God, help couples be faithful to the marriage promises they made to You and to each other. Hebrews 13:4
Thursday - Our Community: God, we thank you for those who serve in our community. 1 John 3:16
Friday - Children/Youth: God, help our young people commit themselves to a life of purity of mind and body. Psalm 119:9-11
Saturday - Adults: God, help our adults find and fulfill Your purpose for their lives. Jeremiah 29:11-14