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Gospel of John: One Prayer - John 17

Gospel of John: One Prayer - John 17

Welcome to Your Rock Hall Church! 🎉🎈 Your church is a community of people experiencing God and connecting with one another like never before in history. You have found a place to encounter God and people who care about you ❤️ - just as you are. Introduce yourself in the chat and let everyone know how you are connected to our community! We conclude our study of the John with Jesus' priestly prayer. The longest prayer of Jesus in scripture is the perfect place to conclude this study as we close with a deeper understanding of who Jesus is and what he desires for us as his disciples and church. Recorded in Rock Hall MD, Your Rock Hall Church is a UMCharge of three dynamic churches partnering for one mission, to see our community transformed by the power of God. Announcements: If you know someone who is under Dr's orders to quarantine in place, please let us know so that we can send them a Box of Hope. Just fill out our online Registration 💕 🎯Check out some new studies to help you grow closer to Jesus during this "online" season. Try Walking with God to develop your prayer life. Or subscribe to the YouVersion reading plan on Prayer 📫 Receive Pastor Gary's weekly newsletter by subscribing here. 👀 to serve? If you are available to be a part of our video production team - or help with our social media - let us know. Please contact Pastor Gary ( if you need help in any way growing 📈 in your relationship with Jesus, developing his character in your life or understanding God's call on your life. Join our Facebook Group:
Colossians #7: Choose your Battles

Colossians #7: Choose your Battles

Jesus is Enough Colossians #7 Colossians 2:16-23 Program: This week we look at the pitfalls that we are susceptible to as we walk with Jesus. As we walk, we must choose our battles wisely. Welcome to Your Rock Hall Church! Your Rock Hall Church is a community of people experiencing God and connecting with one another like never before. You have found a place to encounter God and a group of people who care about you - just as you are. Introduce yourself in the chat and let everyone know how you are connected to our community! Announcements: *If you know someone who is under Dr's orders to quarantine in place, please let us know so that we can send them a Box of Hope. Just fill out our online Registration *Receive Pastor Gary's weekly newsletter by subscribing here. *Looking to serve? If you are available to be a part of our video production team - or help with our social media - let us know. *Please contact Pastor Gary ( if you need help in any way growing in your relationship with Jesus, developing his character in your life or understanding God's call on your life. *Join our Facebook Group: ******** Message Notes Message Outline and Notes: Colossians #7: Choose your Battles Colossians 2:16–17 NLT Watch out for Religious Judgement Romans 6:14 NLT Galatians 3:1–3 NIV Watch out for Spiritual Pride Galatians 5:22–23 NIV Colossians 2:20–23 NIV84 Don’t fight battles that are already won. RECAP Colossians #7 RECAP Relate In this passage, Paul sets up a contrast between what he calls “self-made religion” and true gospel-shaped faith in Jesus. What was your perception of a “religious” person growing up? How has that perception changed as you’ve gotten older? Examine Based on this passage, what would you say the religious climate was like in Colossae? Do you see any similarities to today in our own city? What does the text seem to indicate are the dangers in adhering so strictly to man-made rules and regulations? How have you found this to be true in your life? What do you think Paul means by these observances being a “shadow” which finds is substance in Christ? Chat Paul says in verse 23 that human traditions have the “appearance of wisdom”, but in the end, are worthless. Why do you think so many people get caught up in clinging to these kinds of things? Apply It seems that many Christians tend to either become “legalistic” or swing to the other extreme and become “licentious”. Which do you find yourself leaning toward more? Where do you think that comes from? What are some ways we can we strive together as a community toward a more gospel-focused lifestyle? Who do you know personally that seems to be caught up in religious rules or man-made traditions? How might you go about helping them see the futility of pursuing “shadows”? Pray This week, as you pray for each other, ask the Lord to reveal any places where you might unknowingly cling to “human precepts or teachings”. Ask Him to give you a deeper understanding and appreciation of the substance of the gospel, and to break any tendencies toward either legalism or license.
Colossians #6: This. Jesus.
Colossians #5: I'm Ready

Colossians #5: I'm Ready

This week's program: Welcome to Your Rock Hall Church! Your Rock Hall Church is a community of people experiencing God and connecting with one another like never before. You have found a place to encounter God and a group of people who care about you - just as you are. Introduce yourself in the chat and let everyone know how you are connected to our community! Announcements: If you know someone who is under Dr's orders to quarantine in place, please let us know so that we can send them a Box of Hope. Just fill out our online Registration Receive Pastor Gary's weekly newsletter by subscribing here. Looking to serve? If you are available to be a part of our video production team - or help with our social media - let us know. Please contact Pastor Gary ( if you need help in any way growing in your relationship with Jesus, developing his character in your life or understanding God's call on your life. Join our Facebook Group: ******** Message Notes Colossians #5: I'm Ready 1 John 2:9–11 NIV Galatians 3:28 NIV Racial Justice Ministry with the Poor Protection of the unborn Biblical sexuality James 2:14–17 ESV Colossians 1:28 NIV Ephesians 6:12 NIV Colossians 2:1–5 NIV Courage, Unity, Wisdom, Discernment, Disciplined, In Christ Colossians 2:2 NIV -Encouraged in heart. -United -Wisdom Colossians 2:4 NIV -Discernment Colossians 2:5 NIV -Disciplined -In Christ Courage, Unity, Wisdom, Discernment, Discipline Ready! RECAP RELATE In this passage, Paul continues to describe the challenges of his ministry, but explains that his joy comes from hearing the believers are standing firm on the rock of Christ. Can you describe a time when your convictions were challenged by someone else? How did you deal with it? What was the outcome? EXAMINE As you look back over 1:24-2:5, what does Paul’s emotional state seem to be? Why? If you had to summarize verses 1-3, how would you describe Paul’s main objective? What kinds of things does Paul say are to be found “in Christ”? What do you think Paul means by saying he is “with [them] in spirit”? CHAT In verse 4, Paul makes it a point to warn the Colossians that false teaching may not appear so at first glance, but may seem reasonable & even persuasive. What kinds of ‘plausible arguments’ are you hearing these days? How might we handle these kinds of issues as thoughtful and faithful believers? APPLY Notice how many times in this passage Paul uses cognition-related words (know, understand, etc). Why is it so important that Christians work to be well-informed, both theologically, and culturally? What is one area where you need to grow in either theological or cultural understanding? It has been said that truth without love isn’t really truth, and love without truth isn’t really love. Which do you default to more, love or truth? What might it look like for Christians to weave these both together? Can you share an example of how you have seen this done well? What is one specific thing that you can do this week to help one other person in the room “be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ” (2:2-3)? PRAY As you gather to pray this week, ask the Lord to help each of you walk more fully in both truth and love, standing firm in your faith, but with the compassion of Jesus. Pray for those you know who may be confused or have strayed from the faith because of ‘plausible’ but false teachings. Ask that they may come to a knowledge of the truth and be restored.



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