As our community faces a rise in unemployment and reduced incomes we expect there will be a greater need for financial assistance. We want to help. One way we are ready to do this is through the Rock Hall Food Pantry.
Our pantry is operated by volunteers as a ministry of our churches in order to be a tangible expression of God's love. We are supported by neighbors in our community as well as the members of our churches. While we don't want any of our neighbors to be in need, there may be limits as to our abilities to provide food depending on travel restrictions and food availability.
If you live in one of our neighboring communities, there are other food pantries in the county: Worton/Chestertown (Kent County Food Pantry), Chestertown (Seventh Day Adventist Church), Millington (Millington UMC), pantries are available in each of these communities. You should be aware that each have different requirements as several are extensions of the Maryland Food Bank which requires documentation.
As for Rock Hall, below are our guidelines as of today. These are subject to change at any time due to our current economic situation, food availability, and CDC/Maryland restrictions.
We are open from 10-12 on the 1st and 3rd Saturday's of each month through May (normally only the 3rd Saturday)
We are here for the town of Rock Hall and the wider Rock Hall Community (We consider this to be communities around Rt 20 - South of Fairlee)
No Social Services preregistration is required
No proof of residency is required
If you have any questions, please email info@yourrockhall.church
We gladly accept drop-off donations of canned/sealed goods.
Or you can financially support the pantry by giving through our PayPal. Please select the "Food Pantry" on the pull down.